Learning Log 12

Learning Log 12

Date : 27/09/2016

In this week, I learned about how to add game and video in my CALL. After that I learnt how to show picture when we point mouse at the words or sentences. Also, I learnt how to show words or sentences when we point mouse at the picture. Last, I learnt how to play sound when we point mouse at the words or sentences.

Learning Log 10

Learning Log 10

Date : 13/09/2016

In this week, I learned about how to use program Adobe Captivate 8. First, teacher taught me to added blank project and chose the size. After that teacher taught me the way to put student’s name in my CALL. Then, teacher taught me to make the test in this program and link flame to another flame when we click back, previous, home, or any button. Moreover, this program can teach and train students. It can make us more learning and this program is helpful to me and the students.

Learning Log 9

Learning Log 9

Date : 06/09/2016

In this week, I learned about computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview. The main purpose was to improve or develop the learner’s competence of CALL. Last, I learnt about how to use Adobe Captivate 8 and we use this program to build CALL.